Request Information

All Masonic lodges have the same rules for application.  Any good men interested in Masonry simply contact a lodge, or a Brother of a lodge, and make their request to be considered for membership.  This request can be verbal, written, submitted via our web site or through email to the Worshipful Master.

Next, an informal information gathering meeting is scheduled where you, the possible future candidate, meets with one or more of the Brothers for a friendly discussion of the Craft.  The Brothers want to get to know you, and they want you to get to know Freemasonry.  This is where you have the opportunity to ask questions and decide if you want to request formal petition.  If you move forward, these Brothers may be the signers of your petition, which can be completed at that time or at a later date and sent to the Lodge Secretary.  There is a $10.00 fee associated with submitting your petition.

Your completed petition will be read at the next monthly Stated Communication and an Investigating Committee will be appointed.  The Committee will schedule a meeting with you at your convenience where they can discuss important and required material and you and your family can ask any further questions you may have about the Fraternity.

The Committee will make their report in lodge at the next monthly Stated Communication and balloting by the Brothers present will commence.  If the ballot is found favorable, you will be contacted regarding the date of the conferral of your first degree, the beginning of your Masonic journey.

If you are interested in learning more, please provide the following information.  You will be contacted by a member of the lodge.  Masons are always ready to meet and chat about Freemasonry, and you both will have made a new friend.

Thank you in advance for your interest in Freemasonry and membership in Eureka-DuPont Lodge No. 23-29.

Kevin O’Rourke
Worshipful Master