Polar Bear Plunge 2025

The Polar Bear Plunge is making a triumphant return this year, with Eureka-Dupont Lodge members braving the icy waters to support a worthy cause. Through the combined efforts of the Lodge and the generous contributions of friends and families, over $1500 was raised to benefit Delaware Special Olympics. This incredible feat demonstrates the dedication and commitment of all involved to making a positive impact on the lives of athletes with intellectual disabilities.

Despite the frigid conditions, with both the air and water temperature hovering at a chilling 41 degrees, participants enthusiastically take the plunge into the icy depths. Their unwavering spirit and willingness to endure the cold serve as an inspiration to us all, highlighting the power of community and the profound impact that can be achieved when people unite for a common goal.

The funds raised through this daring endeavor will directly support Special Olympics Delaware, providing athletes with opportunities to participate in sports training and competitions. This event exemplifies the true spirit of giving and serves as a reminder that even small acts of courage can make a significant difference in the lives of others.

To make a difference, use this link: https://www.classy.org/fundraiser/5939687

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Chocolate Night 2025

Chocolate Night 2025 was a resounding success, raising over $2,000 to purchase toys for families in need across Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. Throughout the year, we diligently acquired toys, ensuring a wide variety for children of all ages. This annual event brought together a remarkable group of volunteers, including Masons, their families, and friends, who generously dedicated their time to wrapping presents and preparing them for distribution.

The following day, the spirit of giving continued as volunteers gathered to deliver the beautifully wrapped gifts across the area. These dedicated volunteers, play a vital role in ensuring that the toys reach the families who need them most during the holiday season.

Thanks to the collective effort of everyone involved, Chocolate Night brought joy and hope to over 200 children and families, embodying the true spirit of Christmas, community, and generosity. This annual tradition exemplifies the positive impact that can be achieved when people unite for a common cause, reminding us all of the power of giving back. It is a reminder of some of the uncredited things that Masons do behind the scenes for the community making the world a better place.

Chocolate Night is an annual event funded by Masons in Delaware and hosted by Eureka-Dupont Lodge #23-29.

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VA Hospital Hobby Cart Collections 2024     

The VA Hospital Hobby Cart traces its roots back to a charitable initiative launched by the Order of the Eastern Star (OES) in 1947. This program aimed to support servicemen returning from World War II, providing warm clothing, socks, and other necessities, alongside items to help them pass the time. Today, the Hobby Cart continues to serve veterans in VA Hospitals. It offers a range of items including hats, clothes, socks, toiletries, and other supplies for patients in need.

The Hobby Cart relies on donations to fulfill its mission. These donations can be both practical and geared towards leisure activities. The cart might stock crossword puzzles, playing cards, books, and art supplies to offer veterans ways to engage and relax during their hospital stays. These items provide comfort, support mental well-being, and foster a sense of normalcy during a potentially challenging and stressful time.

Eureka-DuPont Lodge has made a significant effort to support the Hobby Cart initiative, collecting a generous amount of supplies thanks to the contributions of compassionate community organizations.  These were coordinated with PM Chuck Porter WM and PM Mercer Quimby to be distributed at the VA Hospital. To date, these include:

59 blankets
31 scarves
16 pairs of gloves
20 hats
88 pairs of socks

This collaborative effort demonstrates the continued power of Masons working within the community to support improving the lives of veterans receiving care within the VA Hospital system.

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Polar Bear Plunge 2024

Through our Lodge and the generous contributions of our friends and families, Eureka Dupont Lodge was able to raise $1,000 to the benefit of Delaware Special Olympics.  It was a chilly 41 degrees in the water and the air.

See more photos and videos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/F4RnfMK4qnWicp5w5

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Chocolate Night 2024

This year for Chocolate Night we raised over $2,500 for the purchase of toys for families in need in in the Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey local areas. Toys were procured throughout the calendar year.  At the event, many people Masons and otherwise came to help wrap presents, and the next day deliver those presents to the distributors who were also volunteers.

Chocolate Night is an annual event hosted by Eureka-Dupont Lodge #23-29. Members of our Lodge procure all of the gifts that are provided.

Our very own Santa came to visit and brought Jeff Mapson as well. Here is Santa with the Worshipful Master.

See more photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/EpLdkcEPqvYiL3uz7

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Most Worshipful Evan R. Moody Community Service Challenge

Most Worshipful Grand Master Ronald Ferraro has issued a challenge to each lodge in the state complete five community service projects.

This year, Eureka-DuPont has risen to the challenge and is working these projects:

  1. Our Annual Chocolate Night benefits the community by supplying Christmas gifts for children in need in the Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey local regions. Our halls were decked with many, many toys, and many folks came to join in the festivities of the evening making the event special. The event was held on December 14, 2024, and coincided with our December stated communications. A good time was had by all.
  2. The Polar Bear Plunge to benefit Delaware Special Olympics. Our very own Worshipful Master Troy braved those cold waters on February 3, 2024 and managed to raise $1000 for this worthy cause.
  3. Veterans Hospital Hobby Cart project raised up many goods that were provided to this VA charity. The first batch of items were delivered on February 25, 2024.
  4. Bushels of Blessings is a local charity that provides food to non-profit organizations and local families in need. In conjunction with Lafayette lodge, we teamed up and raised money for this important charity. The charity event coincided with our joint stated communications with Lafayette lodge on March 12, 2024.
  5. We are hosting the Delaware Blood bank for blood drive at our lodge on June 15, 2024

Look for more details and more projects in the postings that follow!

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Master Mason Degree Conferred on Two Candidates

With COVID-19 restrictions lifted and most of our brothers vaccinated, how pleasurable it was to once again meet in brotherhood to raise worthy candidates to the sublime degree of Master Mason.  On Monday, June 28 at a Special Communication, with 25 Brothers present, the Master Mason Degree was conferred on Eureka-DuPont Lodge No. 23-29 Fellowcraft Ernest Louis II and Unity Lodge No. 32 Fellowcraft Chad Stephen Kalodner.

W.M. David M. Simkins, PM, opened the lodge, then passed the gavel to W. Kevin O’Rourke, PM (both of Eureka-DuPont Lodge No. 23-29) who conferred the degree on both candidates in excellent form with the able assistance of Joe Marvian (Granite Corinthian Lodge No. 34) in the Senior Deacon’s chair.  Brother John R. Della Guardia delivered an inspiring Bible Charge.

The lecture was given in exceptional form by W. Frank Foster, PM.  The new Master Masons received certificates and gifts from various Brothers.  The Lodge was closed by R∴W∴Stephen M. Tucker, assisted by the new Master Masons.

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Masons in Motion

When Eureka-DuPont received a request to come to the aid and assistance of one of our fallen Brother’s widows, the Craft did not hesitate. We were honored, with other District I Lodge Brothers, to answer the call.
The Brothers gathered together on a Saturday morning to help tidy up and maintain the yard of Mrs. Carol Fulmer, the former Corresponding Secretary to the Grand Lodge and widow of Past Grand Master Herb Fulmer. Carol was most pleased with the help from the group of Brothers and pronounced it “A Job Well Done!”
The Brothers tackled the task in good form. We had a sturdy crew gathered from Eureka-DuPont, Washington, Granite-Corinthian and Brandywine Lodges, and our mission was completed in less than two hours (including time outs for a bit of fellowship).
Those of us who knew PGM Fulmer were only too happy to be of assistance, and those who never met him were just as willing to offer their support.
This is what Masons do. This is one of the most important duties we have as Masons… to care for our members in distress and our fellow Mason’s widows and children in need. This is Masonic Pride, this is what makes us…
Proud to be Masons!

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Eureka-DuPont Worshipful Master Receives MASTER OF THE YEAR AWARD

Congratulations to Eureka-DuPont’s Worshipful Master, Kevin O’Rourke (far right) who received the District 1 “Master of the Year” Award. The awards were presented by M.W. Donald Rosenberry (2nd from left) at the 2019 Delaware A.F.&A.M. Annual Communication. One Worshipful Master in each District is chosen to receive this honor. The District 3 awardee is W. William Thompson (far left), Endeavor Lodge No. 17. The District 2 awardee is W. John Thompson (2nd from the right), Unity Lodge No. 32.

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Eureka-DuPont Lodge No. 23-29 / Washington Lodge No. 1 Unity Meeting

Eureka-DuPont Lodge No. 23-29 and Washington Lodge No. 1 participated in their first unity meeting on Thursday, October 17, 2019, and the event was unanimously proclaimed a roaring success. The brethren began the evening in ample style with good fellowship and a gourmet dinner prepared by our dedicated stewards, after which, all moved to the lodge room.

Highlights of the evening included a presentation to Bro. G. Richard Wilson of Washington Lodge No. 1. W. James R. Hanby, Jr., P.M. presented Bro. Wilson with a Certificate from the Grand Lodge marking his 55 years in the service of Freemasonry.

Another highlight was the interesting program presented by Eureka-DuPont Lodge No. 23-29 Junior Deacon, Drew Wedel. Bro. Wedel participates in Civil War reenactments and honored the group with a slide presentation and a large and varied display of the paraphernalia that the reenactors employ.

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