John Della Guardia
July 4, 2019
It was a grand night at Brandywine Masonic Hall. On June 19 at a Special Communication, the Master Mason Degree was conferred on two Eureka-Dupont brothers and one from Brandywine.
WM O’Rourke, with the assistance of David Simkins, PM, and WM Sean McKenna conferred the degree upon Brothers Garry S. Norton and James Simkins of Eureka-DuPont Lodge and Brother Douglas J. Cummings Jr. of Brandywine Lodge. Brother James T. Simkins is a second generation member of Eureka-DuPont Lodge No. 23-29.
The lecture was given in excellent form by Grand Marshal Clinton Robertson, Grand Lecturer. The Bible presentation was given in exceptional form by Bro. John Della Guardia. The new Master Masons received certificates and gifts by various Brothers. The Lodge was closed by M∴W∴Donald E. Rosenberry GM, assisted by the new Master Masons.