When Eureka-DuPont received a request to come to the aid and assistance of one of our fallen Brother’s widows, the Craft did not hesitate. We were honored, with other District I Lodge Brothers, to answer the call.
The Brothers gathered together on a Saturday morning to help tidy up and maintain the yard of Mrs. Carol Fulmer, the former Corresponding Secretary to the Grand Lodge and widow of Past Grand Master Herb Fulmer. Carol was most pleased with the help from the group of Brothers and pronounced it “A Job Well Done!”
The Brothers tackled the task in good form. We had a sturdy crew gathered from Eureka-DuPont, Washington, Granite-Corinthian and Brandywine Lodges, and our mission was completed in less than two hours (including time outs for a bit of fellowship).
Those of us who knew PGM Fulmer were only too happy to be of assistance, and those who never met him were just as willing to offer their support.
This is what Masons do. This is one of the most important duties we have as Masons… to care for our members in distress and our fellow Mason’s widows and children in need. This is Masonic Pride, this is what makes us…
Proud to be Masons!